The Poetry of Bimbo Rivas: Loisaida


(By Bimbo Rivas; Written in 1974)

Originally published May 25th, 2015 on

Bimbo Rivas Mosaic by JC Pinto

Lower East Side

I love you.

You’er my lady fair.

No matter where I am,

I think of you!

The mountains and the

valleys cannot compare,

my love to you

Loisaida, I love you.

I dig the way you talk,

I dig the way you look.

Me vacila tu cantar

y yo me las juego

fria pa’ que vivas

para siempre.

En mi mente, mi amada,

yo te llamo Loisaida


una mezcla, la perfecta

una gente bien decente

de to ‘as rasas

que estiman

que te adoran

que no saben explicar

lo que le pasa

cuando ausente de

tus calles peligrosas

si te aman

A ti, mi hermosa Loisaida

O what a town…..

even with your drug-infested

pocket parks, playgrounds

where our young bloods

hang around

waiting, hoping that

one day when they too

get well and smile again

your love is all

they need to come around.

Loisaida, I love you.

Your buildings are

burning up

that we got to stop.

Loisaida, my love,

Te amo.

Who is Bimbo Rivas?

Bimbo Rivas was a community activist, who gave the Lower East Side the name “Loisaida” in a 1974 poem. He was a committed artist, whose talent enriched not only the Puerto Rican culture, but other cultures as well. Bimbo’s spirit and influence lives on in Loisaida today.

Among his students was the actor Luis Guzmán, who was trained at Charas in New York City.

On May 27, 1992, Avenue C became known as Loisaida Avenue. It was a token of appreciation for his contributions to the Lower East Side, his home, and for his people.

About Urban Jibaro 16 Articles
My name is George Torres... I am a digital storyteller, serial entrepreneur and community builder who is very passionate about Latino Culture and how we show up in the media and marketing spaces. I created the original "Sofrito For Your Soul" website in the dorm of SUNY Old Westbury in 1997 on the Geocities platform. Unfortunately, a series of malicious hacking events led to the site going offline. I created Daily Sofrito as the new reimagined place to amplify new generations of writers, poets, musicians, filmakers and other original content creators. Let's work on 25 more years of legacy...