If this is your first time here, my name is George Torres and I teach visionaries, innovators, and cultural entrepreneurs how to leverage their stories to unlock their true potential by focusing on the most impactful aspects of their business.
Although this is a hard post to write, I am about to share the most consistent part of my process with you… not as a you should do this, but more like… this is what works for me. The reason why it’s hard… is because I am trying to sort through the hacked version of Sofrito For Your Soul so that I can share the entire history of this practice as it pertains to me… stay tuned for more.
In the meantime, 2023 is coming to an end… so it is time for me to reflect on what happened on 2023 and what I am calling in in 2024.
Before I do that, here is a little background. Back in 2011*… I came across a blog post written by Chris Brogan** where he shared his reasoning for doing away with New Years Resolutions. He shared how the practice of choosing three words had changed his outlook and his personal results from what he was trying to call into his life. It was based on the question “what can I use to guide me towards results I want to support for the entire year and beyond? Not the result itself. The path. The process.”
Inspired by this, I decided to give it a shot and I never made a resolution again. Sometime around 2014… I started sharing this practice with my readers and just a few years later, I created a learning experience around my process of selecting my words.
Fast forward… the pandemic… the hacking and now in the final days of 2023 I am here for the 14th installment of My Three Words, but before I do, what were 2023’s words.
It was Present, Promote & Preserve… the words from the original mission statement I wrote for Sofrito For Your Soul. These words were a battle cry to relaunching this website after the hacking incident in 2022. The fact that you are reading this here at DailySofrito.com is proof that we moved on this. I am not going to break it down further because honestly, every time I think about it, I cry… just know that I am focused on these words beyond the scope of 2023… and have been since 1997.
My Three Words for 2024
In 2023… I was inspired to start focusing on body movement. People in my life like Nancy Ruffin, My Intensati Coach Julia and new friend Monica Rivera post regular reminders as their share their individual practices with us via their social channels.
Although, I am always in need of body movement… this word leads into movement of all kinds. Movement to do things I am afraid of, moving into spaces better suited for me, moving things out of my life when they no longer align.
I mean… the world is on fire, literally and figuratively. I have never been more focused on healing than I am today. I have two therapists for two very important parts of my life. Healing is more than just me talking about what scratches the back of my head sometimes but its dealing with the real life repercussions of how walking around unhealed has impacted some relationships. Healing means resolving what we have had to supress because I had no choice but to survive.
2023 was a year of deep reflection… about just how fragile life is and finite our time is here in the physical plane. The dictionary definition of ‘thrive’ is ‘to prosper, be fortunate or successful‘ and also ‘to grow or develop vigorously; flourish’. In coaching terms, thriving is all about working on your self-development, personal growth and resilience.
For me, it’s also about enjoying all that comes with success. It’s cultural experiences, vacations, culinary explorations, conversations that build, collaborations, building relationships and creating impact in the community.

Here is what I know…
Many of you may have experienced the frustration of setting New Year’s resolutions that lose momentum shortly after the New Year’s Eve celebrations.
It might be time to embrace a powerful and transformative concept known as “My Three Words.” Bid farewell to the repetitive cycle of unfulfilled resolutions and embrace a new approach to setting intentions for the year ahead.
If this resonates with you, we invite you to join our exciting online workshop series where we explore the potency of selecting three meaningful words to guide your upcoming year.